Lamb v Camden LBC [1981] QB 625

Court of Appeal

Basic Facts: C’s house was damaged by the Council's negligence, and while away, squatters moved in twice, causing further damage. 

Issue: What constitutes damage too remote from the initial negligent act? 

Held: D was not liable since the acts of the squatters broke the chain of causation

  • Lord Denning: Foreseeability alone is not enough. The link between the initial negligence and the squatters’ damage is too remote, making the Council not liable. 

  • Oliver LJ: Agreed with Denning that the connection between the Council’s act and the squatters' damage was too tenuous to hold the Council liable. 


Leakey v National Trust [1980] QB 48 


Jones v Livox Quarries [1952] 2 QB 608