Sedleigh-Denfield v O'Callaghan [1940]

Court: House of Lords

Facts: The council carried out work on the defendant’s land at the request of a neighboring landowner, placing a grate in a culvert negligently, which caused it to become prone to blockages. Although the defendant’s workers periodically cleaned the culvert over three years, a heavy rainstorm caused a blockage and subsequent flooding that damaged the claimant’s property. The defendant argued that they neither consented to nor had knowledge of the culvert’s presence.

Issue: The main issue was whether the defendant could be held liable for the nuisance caused by the blocked culvert, given that they had neither originally installed it nor had explicit knowledge of its existence.

Held: The House of Lords held the defendant liable. Lord Maugham, delivering the judgment, found that the defendant had both continued and adopted the nuisance. The court noted that by allowing the nuisance to persist for nearly three years without addressing it, the defendant was deemed to have adopted the condition. The use of the culvert without proper safety measures also contributed to the liability.

Key Judicial Statement: Lord Maugham stated, "The occupier of land may be held liable for a nuisance if they have continued or adopted it, even if they did not initially create it. The key factor is whether they allowed it to persist and failed to take corrective measures despite having knowledge of the nuisance and the means to address it."

💡 LevelUpLaw: Sedleigh-Denfield v O'Callaghan highlights that an occupier can be liable for nuisance even if they did not initially create it, provided they continue to use or maintain the nuisance and fail to take necessary steps to remedy it. The case establishes that adopting or tolerating a nuisance can result in liability for the harm it causes, reinforcing the principle that an occupier’s responsibility extends to managing issues arising from the use of their property.


Latimer v AEC [1953]


Paris v Stepney Borough Council [1951]