R v Inspectorate of Pollution, ex p Greenpeace [1994] 2 CMLR 548

High Court

Facts: Greenpeace challenged a decision by the Inspectorate of Pollution regarding environmental regulations. Greenpeace argued that it represented a broad public interest and should be granted standing.

Held: The Court examined Greenpeace's claim of standing, emphasizing that public interest alone does not suffice. Greenpeace needed to demonstrate a direct and substantial interest in the matter. The Court considered Greenpeace’s role and the nature of the relief sought. Despite Greenpeace's broad public support and involvement, the Court found that they did not have sufficient standing based on the legal criteria established.

Key Judicial Statement: Otton J noted, "The fact that an individual or a pressure group has commented on a proposed decision and those comments have been considered by the statutory authorities does not confer on the individual or pressure group a sufficient interest in the decision to challenge the decision by proceedings for judicial review."


Eco-Energy (GB) Ltd v First Secretary of State [2004] EWCA Civ 1566


R v Secretary of State for the Environment ex p Rose Theatre Trust Co [1990] 1 QB 504