M v Home Office [1994]

Court: House of Lords

Facts: M, an asylum seeker from Zaire, was deported by the Home Office despite an injunction from Garland J. The Home Secretary, Kenneth Baker, was held in contempt of court for failing to comply with the injunction.

Issue: Can courts enforce injunctions and hold ministers in contempt for non-compliance?

Held: The House of Lords upheld the contempt finding, establishing that courts could enforce the law against ministers of the Crown.

Key Judicial Statement: Lord Templeman stated, “The executive obeys the law as a matter of necessity, not grace.”

💡Leveluplaw: This case highlights the principle of equality under the law, demonstrating that the judiciary can hold ministers accountable and prevent abuses of executive power.


CCSU v Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374


Entick v Carrington (1765)