Western Bank v Schindler [1977] Ch 1
Court of Appeal
Basic Facts : Defective mortgage terms meant D did not need to pay interest until nine years later. Western Bank sought possession despite no arrears.
Issue for the Court : Are arrears necessary for the application of s.36 and s.8 of the Administration Justice Act (AJA 1970 + 1973)?
Held :The court reaffirmed that a mortgagee must act fairly and reasonably when exercising power of sale.
Held Buckley LJ
Possession can be sought by a mortgagee for security purposes, not just for arrears.
s.36 applies to possession claims irrespective of arrears, but the discretion is limited by whether there is default.
Held Scarman LJ
Courts have discretion to delay possession orders even without default, depending on the circumstances and intentions of the parties.
Held Goff LJ
s.36 applies only in default situations, and it would be unusual to seek possession without arrears.