Tottenham Hotspur v Princegrove Publishers [1974] 1 WLR 113

Queen’s Bench Division

Basic Facts T's lease ended, and L agreed to a new lease with increased rent. No formal lease was executed, but T continued to occupy the property.

Held: The court held that a license to occupy a box at a stadium did not confer a leasehold interest and was revocable by the licensor.

Lawson J

  • The principle from Walsh v Lonsdale indicates that:

    • When a person occupies property under an agreement, it is as if a formal lease was executed.

    • The tenant may hold a tenancy in equity rather than at law.

    • However, all agreed terms apply as if the tenancy were legal.


Tulk v Moxhay (1848) 2 Ph 774


Zarichny v Denys (1907) 1 Ch 565