Greasley v Cooke [1980] 1 WLR 1306
Court: Court of Appeal
Basic Facts:
Parties: H (Homeowner), D (Occupant).
Context: D, a long-serving maid, was allowed to live in a house with representations of permanent residence. After H’s death, D was threatened with eviction.
Issue for the Court: Who must prove detrimental reliance when establishing proprietary estoppel?
Held: The court ruled that once a claimant establishes detrimental reliance on a promise, the burden shifts to the defendant to disprove that reliance.
Lord Denning MR
Burden of Proof: The person asserting proprietary estoppel must demonstrate detrimental reliance on assurances. Proof of financial detriment is not always necessary; it suffices that reliance was detrimental in a broad sense.