Goldberg v Edwards [1950] Ch 247
Court: Court of Appeal
Basic Facts: The case involved whether an arrangement to occupy a flat constituted a lease or a license, focusing on the intention of the parties and the terms of the agreement.
Parties: C (Claimant), L (Landlord), Y (New Occupant).
Context: C had access to a house through Lās property. When L leased the property to Y, Cās access was restricted.
Issue for the Court:When can an easement be acquired?
Held: The court determined that a licensee who had exclusive possession and paid rent could be regarded as a tenant, depending on the circumstances.
Evershed MR
Implied Grant: Only necessary rights of way for reasonable enjoyment of property are implied. Since an alternative access was available, the right was not necessary.
s.62 Application: Rights enjoyed at the time of conveyance can be covered by s.62, but rights must be more than temporary or personal.