French v Barcham [2008] EWHC 1505

Court: Chancery Division

Basic Facts:

  • Parties: X (Bankrupt), Y (Co-tenant), Trustee in Bankruptcy.

  • Context: X and Y co-owned a property as tenants in common. X's share vested in a trustee following bankruptcy. The trustee sought possession and sale of the property to recover X’s share, minus occupation rent for the period X was in occupation.

Issue for the Court: Is a trustee in bankruptcy entitled to compensation under TLATA 1996 s.13(6)?

Held: The court held that the equitable principles of fairness applied in the division of co-owned property after a relationship breakdown.

Blackburne J

  • Compensation: Section 12-15 of TLATA 1996 does not provide an exhaustive regime for compensation. A trustee must show entitlement to occupy the property. Compensation under s.13(6) applies only if the trustee is excluded from occupation and the beneficiary is entitled to occupy the property.


Gillett v Holt [2001] Ch 210


First National Bank Plc v Achampong [2003] EWCA 487