Autoclenz Ltd v Belcher [2011]

Court: Supreme Court

Facts: Autoclenz employed car valeters under contracts labeling them as self-employed. The valeters claimed worker rights, arguing that the contracts misrepresented their true employment status. The case examined the relative bargaining power between the parties and the actual nature of the work relationship.

Issue: Should courts rely solely on written contracts to determine employment status, or should they examine the true nature of the relationship?

Held: The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the valeters, finding that the contractual terms did not reflect the actual work relationship. The court emphasized the importance of examining the reality of the employment situation rather than relying solely on written agreements.

Key Judicial Statement: Lord Clarke emphasized that courts must look beyond the written contract and examine the true nature of the relationship, particularly in cases where there is a significant imbalance in bargaining power.

💡Leveluplaw: Written terms in employment contracts may be disregarded if they do not reflect the true relationship between the parties, particularly where workers' rights are at stake.


RTS Flexible Systems Ltd v Molkerei Alois Müller GmbH [2010] UKSC 14


Jackson v Horizon Holidays Ltd [1975]